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[11-05 06:24:44]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  个人简历模板   阅读:280

概要: 语言能力 外语: 英语优秀 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀 工作能力及其他专长 1,优秀英语听说读写能力(TEM4),2,良好计算机操作能力(word,excel,photoshop),及能说日常日语。 详细个人自传 本人具有扎实的进出口业务基础及良好的商务谈判技巧及应变能力,能独立开展国际贸易工作并建立及维护良好的贸易关系。工作积极主动,性格开朗,能与同事之间容恰相处,有良好的服务意识,及高度有责任心。勤奋,好学,不断进取。我希望能利用自己的专长及经验与公司一起不断成长。请保险公司勿扰,谢谢! English Resum

外语: 英语 优秀
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀

English Resume:                            RESUME
English Name: Carol Jiang
Birth Date:1981-01-09
Birth Place: HuBei , Since 1999 staying in Guang Zhou
Physical: Weight 48kg; Height, 160cm

Dear Human Resource Manager,

Firstly, Thanks for your time reading my letter.
My Name is Carol, this year 27 years old, I graduated in 2002, Major is Business English.

More than 5 years practices in society have enriched my experiences, and increased my ability of many aspects to the great extend. e.g. analysis, judgment, decision, problem solving. Hereby please give me one chance to introduce myself.

Working Experience:
1. 2002,10-2005,11 - GET Solutions Co, Ltd - USA based company specialize in the textile trading,, position as a merchandiser,  I worked between head office (in Los angle) and vendors, coordinated the work between end-user and vendors.

The job now I am holding is a salesperson,(2005,11 to now),the products is cosmetic packaging, i take use of internet to promote the products, search the customers, distribute catalogue, and samples, I classify the customers, and follow them,  follow the productions, arrange the shipment, the customers I am facing from worldwide make me to work more organize

All the jobs are becoming a part of life and making the life more colorful, but now I would like to work for a company where my proven ability can be led to full play.

  I have very nice personality, I am optimistic, out-going, goal-oriented, can get along well with colleagues, high sense of responsibility, and I am always willing to learn. I like sports, especially , table-tennies.

Educational Background:
From 1999,9 to 2002,8  GuangZhou QiaoGuang Financial College  learning Business English
From 2002,9 to 2005,12 National Self-study Course (at my free time) got undergraduate diploma   Learning English and International Trade

Other Skills:
1, Fluently Oral & Write English; Cantonese, Mandarin;
2, Computer skills, Words, Excel, Photoshop, Internet search;
3,Can speak little Japanese, this is my interest, I am still working on it.

Thanks again for your time, I am looking for sales positions related to international trade, if you prefer to contact me, please call me at 13249716888, or Send me E-mail to the address: CZCAROL@HOTMAIL.COM


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