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[10-20 21:06:36]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文简历模板   阅读:280

概要: Language Ability Foreign Language: English Level: normal Language ability: apanese normal Chinese level: normal Cantonese Level: normal Relevant skills and abilities Executive responsible for customer order receive management appraise. Responsible for formulation and implementation of company's production schedule. Responsible for main goods, m

Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: normal
Language ability: apanese normal
Chinese level: normal Cantonese Level: normal
Relevant skills and abilities
Executive responsible for customer order receive management appraise.
Responsible for formulation and implementation of company's production schedule.
Responsible for main goods, materials and equipments purchase, and supplier management appraise,
responsible for company logistics and other management of logistics.
Self-recommendation letter
1, ERP system operation: The single making of the plan and plan of necessary material. The plan is arranged and produced singly. 2, production management: Produce the formulation of the management system. The production one arrangement /coordinate,training (spend TWI way) TPS (billboard operation management) TOM of personnel, SOCD follows up, PDCA manages, 6S manages, OCC operation and operation of OC seven major tactics. 3, the computer operates: Familiar with using the computer to carry on the duty of compiling of the characters. The making of light slice and various forms, and quota form. 4, the warehouse exists and manages. The business turn over that the supplies reach, the mix of the vehicle, the plan of the journey. Time, the calculation of the space.
生产计划英文个人简历中文翻译参照 查看生产计划英文个人简历原文
目前所在:佛山年  龄:29
户口所在:湖南国  籍:中国
婚姻状况:已婚民  族:汉族
身  高:170 cm 体  重:80 kg


工作年限:8 职  称:无职称
求职类型:全职 可到职日期:两个星期
月薪要求:5000--8000 希望工作地区:珠海,佛山,中山


爱信精机   起止年月:2004-04 ~ 2008-09
公司性质:外商独资  所属行业:汽车及零配件
担任职位:生产管理/物流管理/营业  系长



最高学历:高中  获得学位: 毕业日期:2000-07
专 业 一:企业管理专 业 二:

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