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[10-20 21:06:36]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文简历模板   阅读:280

概要: Educational Background Name of School: GuangXi University Highest Degree: Master Date of Graduation: 2004-07-01 Name of Major 1: Mechanical Structure Optimization Design Name of Major 2: Education experience: Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No1997-092001-07Harbin University of Science & TechnologyMechanical Design2004-092005-03Lafe SP

Educational Background
Name of School: GuangXi University
Highest Degree: Master Date of Graduation: 2004-07-01
Name of Major 1: Mechanical Structure Optimization Design Name of Major 2:
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
1997-092001-07Harbin University of Science & TechnologyMechanical Design
2004-092005-03Lafe SPC CommitteeSPC and 6 Sigma
2005-052005-05Business Improvement Architects(USA)Project Management
2005-072005-08Lafe FA DepartmentFMEA and FA Skill
2005-102005-10GuangZhou Answer ConsultingAnalyze Training Plan
2008-052008-08Union Power Management ConsultingSupervisory Training Program
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: good
Language ability: With CET-6, fluent English including reading and writing
Chinese level: good Cantonese Level: poor
Relevant skills and abilities
1. Over 2 years experience in Project management and new product development
2. Experienced in structure optimization and dynamic simulation by ANSYS, Pro/E, CAD
3. Good knowledge of 6 SIGMA and SPC,Experienced in design Process Control Strategy
4. With CET-6, fluent English including reading and writing
Self-recommendation letter
1. Over 2 year's Engineering Team supervision and project management experiences
2. 4.5 years solid experiences in precision mechanical design and failure analysis
3. Quality control conscious, able to create plans activities for quality improvement
4. Good command of Office software and ANSYS, Pro/E , AutoCAD, UG
5. Ability in Project follow up with clear schedule, actions and deliverable identified
6. Motivated, Analytical mindset, and Positive team-working spirit
7. Strong cross functional communication skill and problem solving ability
8. Proactive, high sense of responsibility, dedicated and hard working

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