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[10-20 21:06:36]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文简历模板   阅读:280

概要: Language Ability Foreign Language: English Level: normal Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: excellent Relevant skills and abilities I have license of captain and have one year experience as master of ocean going Panamax bulk carrier. Self-recommendation letter Self-recommencation letter1.working experience: I working o

Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: normal
Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: excellent
Relevant skills and abilities
I have license of captain and have one year experience as master of ocean going Panamax bulk carrier.
Self-recommendation letter
Self-recommencation letter

1.working experience:
I working on boarded as seaman since graduated from college in 1995,13 years I from deck cadet to master,I had worked on board of oil tankers, bitumen carrier,bulk carrier (includ log carrier)and had received training for chemicl carrier,I have 3 years working on China coastal going vessel,4 years working on Asia coastal going vessel,6 years on ocean going vessel.I had transitted Suez and Panama Canal,I had crossed pacific ocean,Atlantic ocean and Idian ocean,I had visited the most majaor port of Europe continent,Afric and America continent.
2.Ability and knowledge
I familiar with the international and China national codes,rules and rgularions which regarding shipping transportation.I have plenty knowledge of ship manage,ship maitenance/repair and preparation for PSC inspection.I have good temper and have plenty experience of how to co-operation with others also have good leadership for team work.
3.job Objective
I think self suitable for the jobs as below:
1.Master of sea going ship 2.Surveyor of Class 3.Surveyor for cargo or insurance 4.Superintendent for ship manage 5.Auditor 6.port manage 6.Company abroad representative 7.Pilot 8. Foreman 9.VTS co-operator 10. Maritime department 11.Agent 12.working for Maritime training center or college etc.
船员英文个人简历中文翻译参照 查看船员英文个人简历原文
目前所在:广州年  龄:39
户口所在:广州国  籍:中国
婚姻状况:已婚民  族:汉族
身  高:168 cm 体  重:65 kg


工作年限:13 职  称:中级
求职类型:全职 可到职日期:随时
月薪要求:12000--20000 希望工作地区:广州,广东省,福建


广州海运集团有限公司   起止年月:1995-07 ~ 2008-09
公司性质:国有企业  所属行业:交通/运输/物流



最高学历:大专  获得学位: 毕业日期:1995-07
专 业 一:海洋船舶驾驶专 业 二:

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