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Senior Merchandiser英文简历

[10-20 21:05:27]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文简历模板   阅读:280

概要: Educational Background Name of School: Panyu Agricultural Technical School Highest Degree: Technical secondary school Date of Graduation: 2000-07-01 Name of Major 1: Foreign Trade English Name of Major 2: Education experience: Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No1997-092000-07Panyu Agricultural Technical SchoolForeign Trade English

Senior Merchandiser英文简历,标签:英文简历范文,英文简历范本,http://www.88jianli.com
Educational Background
Name of School: Panyu Agricultural Technical School
Highest Degree: Technical secondary school Date of Graduation: 2000-07-01
Name of Major 1: Foreign Trade English Name of Major 2:
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
1997-092000-07Panyu Agricultural Technical SchoolForeign Trade English
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: excellent
Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: perfect
Relevant skills and abilities
I am a self-motivated hard worker and work well under pressure . I feel myself is independent and honest . I am very nice and kind with people . Team work spirit . I have really strong English and computer skills . And I am a fast learner so that I hope I will try my best to make more strength .
Thru. more than 8 years’ working experiences , I’ve got so much that I couldn’t learn from school . Operating with computer , sales & marketing , production skillfully . I may more strong for a lot of things . I have confidence with myself !
Self-recommendation letter
I am a self-motivated hard worker and work well under pressure . I feel myself is independent and honest . I am very nice and kind with people . Team work spirit . I have really strong English and computer skills . And I am a fast learner so that I hope I will try my best to make more strength .
Thru. more than 8 years’ working experiences , I’ve got so much that I couldn’t learn from school . Operating with computer , sales & marketing , production skillfully . I may more strong for a lot of things . I have confidence with myself !
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目前所在:广州年  龄:29
户口所在:广州国  籍:中国
婚姻状况:未婚民  族:汉族
身  高:158 cm 体  重:65 kg


工作年限:8 职  称:高级
求职类型:全职 可到职日期:随时
月薪要求:5000--8000 希望工作地区:广州,香港,其它国家

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