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[10-20 21:24:11]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  面试技巧   阅读:280

概要:(8 )Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是怎样获得一门技能并且将它用于实际工作中的。)面试技巧分析:这个问题实质是考察应聘者的学习能力。关键词为:convert technical skills to practicalapplication。在回答这个问题的时候,应将重点放在获得新技能的过程、方法及将其应用于实际工作的过程上。面试技巧回答:What :I learnt how to arrange the questionnaire forms in a scientific way and use them in the survey of a new kind of milk.Situation :In the investigation of customer opinions about the taste of a new kind of milk, I f


  (8 )Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是怎样获得一门技能并且将它用于实际工作中的。)

  面试技巧分析:这个问题实质是考察应聘者的学习能力。关键词为:convert technical skills to practical



  What :I learnt how to arrange the questionnaire forms in a scientific way and use them in the survey of a new kind of milk.

  Situation :In the investigation of customer opinions about the taste of a new kind of milk, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the [被过滤] of responses.

  Actions :

  a) I consulted my boss and a good friend who works in a professional marketing research company and learnt a new way of arranging questionnaire forms.

  b) I designed two new forms, and my boss chose one of them.

  Result :With the help of the converted form, our company obtained more objective and useful information.

  根据以上几个问题,面试时每一位面试官当场在各自的“面试评估表”上打分:打分分为3 等:

  1—2 分(能力不足,不符合职位要求、缺乏技巧,能力及知识)

  3—5 分(普通至超乎一般水准;符合职位要求;技巧、能力及知识水平良好)

  6—8 分(杰出应聘者,超乎职位要求;技巧、能力及知识水平出众)。

  具体项目评分包括说服力/毅力评分、组织/计划能力评分、群体合作能力评分等项目评分。在“面试评估表”的最后1 页有1 项“是否推荐栏”,有3 个结论供面试官选择:拒绝、待选、接纳。在宝洁公司的招聘体制下,聘用1 个人,须经所有面试经理一致通过方可。若是几位面试经理一起面试应聘人,在集体讨论之后,最后的评估多采取1 票否决制。任何1 位面试官选择了“拒绝”,该生都将从面试程序中被淘汰。

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