概要:关键字: Youre wearing your best suit. Shoes shined. Resume in hand. Youve prepared for any interview question that could come your way. 身穿自己最好的套装、脚蹬锃亮的皮鞋、手拿着简历,对于一切问题你都做好了的准备。 But rather than questions, there are awkward pauses. Stony silences. Theres a seeming lack of interest in the entire event -- on the interviewers part. 可是出现的不是一个个问题,而是一次次令人尴尬的停顿和冰冷的沉默。在求职者看来,显然这位官对毫无兴趣。 Just because someone is interviewing you, doesnt mean theyre a good interviewer. Dont let his ignorance sabotage y
如何应对糟糕的面试官,标签:个人简历大全,个人简历模板,http://www.88jianli.com关键字: Youre wearing your best suit. Shoes shined. Resume in hand. Youve prepared for any interview question that could come your way. 身穿自己最好的套装、脚蹬锃亮的皮鞋、手拿着简历,对于一切问题你都做好了的准备。 But rather than questions, there are awkward pauses. Stony silences. Theres a seeming lack of interest in the entire event -- on the interviewers part. 可是出现的不是一个个问题,而是一次次令人尴尬的停顿和冰冷的沉默。在求职者看来,显然这位官对毫无兴趣。 Just because someone is interviewing you, doesnt mean theyre a good interviewer. Dont let his ignorance sabotage your interview or your chances at landing the position. 某人在你并不代表他就是一位合格的官。不要让他的无知破坏你的、让你失去这份工作机会。 A Day in the Life 一天的工作 As your bad interview lumbers on, dont wait until your interviewer asks you if you have any questions. Rather, at the first awkward pause, ask him to describe the position for which youre applying in rich detail. What would your key responsibilities be? What is a typical day like? What time does the workday begin and end? Would you need to be available after hours or on weekends? Is there any travel involved? 当一次糟糕的尴尬地进行时,不要等者来问你有没有问题要问。而在第一次尴尬的停顿时,就请他详细地谈谈你要申请的职位。 你的主要职责是什么?通常一天的工作是怎样的?工作时间从几点到几点?下班后或周末要加班吗?工作需要出差吗?
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