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[06-07 07:34:02]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  个人简历模板   阅读:280

概要: ,尤其是英文个人简历,以下是一篇市场营销专业英文简历,希望大家能在这篇英文个人中有所收获并能从中掌握英文个人。 Name:Haitao Pan Gender:Male Nationality:China Nation:Han Domicile:Guangzhou Age:28 Stature:170cm Weight:75kg Marital status:Spinsterhood Adress:Dongpu,Tianhe,Guangzhou.510000 Tel: 13570055114 e-mail: amisuker@126.com Career objective: To be employed by a company in Gangzhou,Foshan or Jiangmen city as a Sales Manager/Supervisor, Channel/Distribution Manager/Supervisor or sales assistan

          ,尤其是英文个人简历,以下是一篇市场营销专业英文简历,希望大家能在这篇英文个人中有所收获并能从中掌握英文个人。      Name:Haitao Pan   Gender:Male        Nationality:China    Nation:Han       Domicile:Guangzhou   Age:28       Stature:170cm Weight:75kg       Marital status:Spinsterhood       Adress:Dongpu,Tianhe,Guangzhou.510000       Tel: 13570055114 e-mail: amisuker@126.com        Career objective: To be employed by a company in Gangzhou,Foshan or Jiangmen city as a Sales Manager/Supervisor, Channel/Distribution Manager/Supervisor or sales assistant.       Education:Graduate from Guangdong zhongkai agricultural college,major in Marketing.       Main Skills:       About Languages: fluent oral English, and good pronunciation.Master cantonese and mandarin.       About computer: Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software; Skilled in Microsoft Office, including FrontPage.       About management: Have better team management ability       About market:Be familiar with communication market.       Work Experience:       2007-04 ~ 2008-04 Guangzhou JINGYU cultural company       As a Distribution sales Manager, be primarily responsible for a regional promoting business on “114 All Numbers Knowing ”, and its sales management.       2006-09 ~ 2007-04 Guangzhou YIHAOTONG telecommunication equipment CO.,LTD   As a sales supervisor of the Market department,I am in charge of the company’s network construction, promoting mobile added service and Mobilephone Market Selling.       2002-10 ~ 2006-09 China Telecom Co. Ltd.Guangzhou industries company   As a sales supervisor of the company,my working field is mobilephone sales and web production sales.    相关阅读:外贸员                    

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