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[10-20 21:15:19]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文求职信   阅读:280

概要:XX Manager: Hello! Because of my talent was informed that the online recruitment information manager for your company's recruitment of a secretary, special liberty to write candidates. I graduated from a bilingual secretarial XX City Institute of Business and Professional. Height XXcm, dignified appearance, temperament quite good. Applied Writing, etiquette school, professional English language courses. Performance excellence, has published many articles. Are familiar wi

XX Manager:

      Hello! Because of my talent was informed that the online recruitment information manager for your company's recruitment of a secretary, special liberty to write candidates.
     I graduated from a bilingual secretarial XX City Institute of Business and Professional. Height XXcm, dignified appearance, temperament quite good. Applied Writing, etiquette school, professional English language courses. Performance excellence, has published many articles. Are familiar with computer operation, English language through the National 4, English spoken fluently, knows some Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin with ease.

The Secretary of the job I love, hoping to become a member of your company. Please find attached my resume, if the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful. Even if your company that I do not meet your conditions, I will also continue to focus your company's development, and in the most sincere wishes Yours sincerely.

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